Sunday, March 16, 2008

funny.....the things mommies find hilarious

so i was getting Eliza ready for bed the other night and i was having her blow her nose. she took a reeeeeeeally deep breath and wide eyed, blew her little tiny nose as haaaaaard as she could. i could feel the force of something huge launching into the tissue in my hand.....i timidly looked inside the tissue and witnessed the HUGEST mass of a Hercules booger and i inadvertently yelled out loudly...
"WHOA, Liza....that was a goooooooooooood blow job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I then burst into a true belly laugh, bent over, hands on knees and everything and little Liza looked at me strangly with a smirk on her face wondering what she had done that was so entertaining so she could recreate it.

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